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Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink' - 10" Pot

Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink' - 10" Pot

Regular price $130.97
Regular price $205.00 Sale price $130.97
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Breathe Elegance into Your Space with Plantonios Ficus Ruby - Natures Majestic Air Refresher in a 10 Pot.

Envision the Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink' as a living masterpiece, its lush foliage a canvas of jade embraced by strokes of radiant pink and creamy white—a testament to the plant's illustrious heritage from India and Malaysia. Renowned as the Variegated Rubber Tree, this botanical marvel does not merely occupy space within your habitat; it transforms it. With attentiveness to its predilections for bright indirect light, you will find that caring for this tropical specimen echoes the familiar rhythms of tending to its verdant cousins while allowing you to bask in its more spirited variegation. The medium-to-large size spans an impressive 6"–10" pot diameter, ensuring that whether perched proudly on a pedestal or settled amongst your curated collection of indoor flora, Ficus Ruby Pink asserts itself with gentle magnificence. Regaled among enthusiasts as Plantonio – dubbed after Antonio Vivaldi for weaving air purity into homes much like timeless concertos fill silent halls with music—this majestic plant exemplifies horticultural prowess and aesthetic finesse. Owners who gracefully incorporate such specimens into their domains often report an elevating shift in ambiance—an infusion of natural elegance and tranquility. Consider two scenarios wherein Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink' might transform mundane living spaces: Picture yourself ensconced in your home office where deadlines loom large; now imagine how gazing upon this rubber tree might instill calm amidst chaos whilst purifying air quality around you. Alternatively, visualize hosting guests whose eyes are inevitably drawn towards this botanical spectacle—its vivacious palette sparking conversation about nature's infinite variance within your salon-like setting. Indulge in cultivating an environment punctuated by beauty and vitality through supremely crafted flora such as the esteemed Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink', bestowing upon those wise enough to adopt it not just a houseplant but rather an exquisite slice of Eden's diversity

  • The Ficus Elastica 'Ruby Pink' serves as an effective air purifier, enhancing the quality of your indoor environment
  • With its genus rooted in the robust Ficus family, this tropical indoor plant exhibits remarkable resilience and longevity
  • Designed to thrive in bright light conditions, it becomes a radiant focal point that invigorates any room's aesthetic appeal
  • As a substantial specimen available in 10" pots through Plantonio, our order fulfillment expertise ensures prompt and meticulous delivery

  • Botanical Name: Ficus elastica
  • Common Name(s): Variegated Rubber tree, Ficus Elastica Ruby
  • Description: Native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia, Ficus Ruby Pink is a hardy, vibrant evergreen plant with red-pink and white variegation. Care is similar to other rubber plants, but the variegation requires more light than the 'Burgundy' variety. It won't do well in low light spaces, so place in bright indirect light. Water to keep soil moist at all times. Ficus elastica is a source of latex that is toxic to the skin, and poisonous if taken internally, so pet-owners and those allergic to latex should be cautious.

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