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Cryptanthus 'Elaine'

Cryptanthus 'Elaine'

Regular price $29.00
Regular price $39.00 Sale price $29.00
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  • Botanical Name: Cryptanthus 'Elaine'
  • Common Names: Earth Star Elaine
  • Description: This genus is in the Bromeliad family and is native to Brazil. It has bright pink and dark purple stripes with a highly contrasted white that is striated in the pattern. This is a stunning plant. The mature plant can reach over 18 inches in diameter and is an impressive sight to behold.

Embrace Natures Geometry with Cryptanthus Elaine – Your Home Oasis Awaits.

Embark on a verdant odyssey with the Cryptanthus 'Elaine', an exquisite specimen that hails from the lush realms of Brazil's emerald forests. Known colloquially as Earth Star Elaine, this botanical treasure boasts a symphony of colors—a vibrant mosaic of bright pink and deep purple stripes, with streaks of pristine white etched delicately upon its leaves. Imagine for a moment your own sanctuary where the mundane melts away, and in its stead rises Elaine, like a painter's masterstroke against the canvas of your living space. Its bold hues are not only breathtaking but also said to mirror the splendorous sunsets over Rio de Janeiro’s iconic Sugarloaf Mountain—a display so enchanting that even seasoned botanists travel thousands of miles just for a glimpse. As you entertain guests who marvel at this dazzling flora cradling your coffee table or bask in solitude near its graceful presence on quiet afternoons, consider how each mature plant unfurls to span more than 18 inches in diameter—an impressive sight indeed! Whether seeking solace from life's relentless pace or aspiring to elevate your home’s aesthetic allure, Earth Star Elaine stands as both a beacon of natural beauty and an emblematic icon within any collection. Welcome Cryptanthus 'Elaine' into your life; embrace her not merely as greenery but as an artisanal living sculpture poised to transform spaces into havens filled with botanical brilliance

  • Cryptanthus 'Elaine' thrives with minimal care, ideal for enthusiasts seeking a low-maintenance indoor gardening experience
  • Its vibrant foliage offers an aesthetic enhancement to any room, infusing spaces with a touch of natural elegance
  • This plant purifies the air, contributing to a healthier living environment by filtering common airborne toxins
  • Adaptable to various light conditions, Cryptanthus 'Elaine' is versatile enough for placement in numerous settings within your home or office

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