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Calathea 'Vittata'

Calathea 'Vittata'

Regular price $33.00
Regular price $44.00 Sale price $33.00
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  • Botanical Name: Calathea 'Vittata'
  • Common Names: Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant
  • Description: There are several dozen species in this genus. Native to the tropical Americas, many of the species are popular as pot plants due to their decorative leaves and, in some species, colorful inflorescence. They are commonly called calatheas or (like their relatives) prayer plants.

Calathea Vittata: Breathe Easier with Tropical Flair in a Pet-Friendly Package.

Envision an emissary from the lush underbelly of tropical Americas, holding court amidst your home's foliage – that is Calathea 'Vittata'. Its extraordinary leaves perform a daily dance of hide and seek with the sun, folding up in the evening as if to hush the world into slumber. Nestled delicately in its 4" pot, this Peacock Plant boasts a lineage revered by botanists for their air-purifying prowess. A sylvan gem that stands out amongst its genus for not only its ornamental splendor but also due to a fascinating characteristic: among all known plants within this verdant family, it is said that none whisper tales as enthralling as those echoed by the veins of Calathea 'Vittata'. Imagine you are nestled in your reading nook; soft light filters through diaphanous curtains while beside you rests this Zebra Plant - harmoniously blending tranquillity with invigoration into your serene space. Each leaf unfurls like a scroll inscribed with nature's secrets, transforming CO2 into oxygen more efficiently than many other comrades-in-fronds do. Or perhaps consider how this botanical companion will grace an office desk bustling with activity and deadlines. Amidst papers and screens clamoring for attention lies your personal oasis of calm—Plantonio—a silent sentinel whose presence gently reminds one to breathe deeply amid chaos. Marc Antony was said to have offered Cleopatra gardens filled with these captivating specimens as symbols of his devotion; owning such exquisite flora isn't merely cultivation—it’s curating an enduring legacy within your own living quarters. As admirers pass by they'll muse over whether they've stepped into an art exhibit or simply wandered through a portal directly back to Eden itself. This low-maintenance marvel effortlessly coexists alongside furry companions since it lacks any toxic traits threatening pets' well-being—an attribute which endears it even further amongst plant aficionados who advocate for both aesthetics and practicality intertwined seamlessly. Embrace elegance narrative in each veined leaf pattern; allow yourself be spellbound day after day by adopting Calathea 'Vittata', where natural sophistication meets unspoken stories waiting just beneath subtle surface textures poised forever on verge revelation – ever present yet eternally enigmatic

  • The Calathea 'Vittata' acts as a natural air purifier, enhancing indoor air quality by filtering airborne toxins
  • Esteemed for its non-toxic nature, this tropical plant is safe and harmonious in homes with curious pets
  • As a compact member of the Calathea genus, it thrives within the confines of a 4" pot, ideal for limited spaces
  • The 'Vittata', offered by Plantonio, embodies the lush essence of tropical flora, infusing your space with vibrant greenery year-round

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